The new space clearing books

There have been so many developments in the art of space clearing since I wrote my first book about it that Richard and I are currently doing a complete rewrite.

Space clearing altar

Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui was published in 1996. It has sold over a million copies in 16 languages. My next book, Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui was published two years later in 1998. It has sold over 2 million copies in 26 languages and continues to sell well to this day.

Both books have become “must-read” classics in their respective fields. Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui has been regularly updated and revised and is now in its fifth (25th Anniversay) edition. It has stood the test of time.

However, when I attempted to update Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui, I quickly realized it wouldn’t work. The depth and scope of the space clearing knowledge and skills Richard and I have developed over the years require a complete rewrite. This book is therefore now out of print and will be replaced by the two new books we are writing together.

Two volumes

The new space clearing book has filled not just one volume, but two. They explain much more about the origins of space clearing, how it works, and everything that people need to know to do effective space clearing in their own home. They have also given me the opportunity to correct things such as the strange example of a flower offering that was pictured on the front cover of the US edition of the book (I was not consulted about this image and cringe every time I see it).

Space Clearing, Volume 1
The art of clearing and revitalizing energies in buildings

Space Clearing, Volume 2
How space clearing works

The two books will be published in May or June 2024. If you’d like to be notified by email when pre-ordering starts, you can either sign up to receive my free monthly newsletters or complete the request form at the bottom of this page.

Is it OK to space clear using the information in the old book until the new one is available?

When you read the new books, it will be very clear why such a major rewrite has been needed. There is so much more to space clearing than I was able to convey in the first book. The explanations in my first book are now very out of date and no longer reflect how we do the ceremony or teach other people how to do it. The new books will help people to go much deeper and obtain substantially better results.

If you are planning to do space clearing in the near future, I recommend you wait until at least Volume 1 of the new space clearing book has been published. If you can’t wait, then at least omit the steps of the ceremony that involve salt and incense, and be sure to use a good quality bell.

Copyright © Clear Space Living Ltd 2023

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About Karen Kingston

Karen Kingston is the world's leading authority on space clearing and a leading expert in clutter clearing. Her first book, Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui, has sold over one million copies in 16 languages, and her second book, Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui, has sold over two million copies in 26 languages.

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